Rainbow Kids is a private continence service with a mission to assist your child to achieve their continence goals with individualised care, compassion and understanding. Assistance is offered to children 3-18 years with:
• Diurnal enuresis (day wetting)
• Encopresis (Soiling)
• Constipation
• Nocturnal enuresis (night wetting)
• Urgency and Frequency
• Toilet training needs
• Special needs requiring Continence support.
Rainbow Kids can also provide Continence Assessments that support NDIS clients (self and plan managed clients).
(We are not an NDIS registered provider)
School hours appointments are offered to primary school children and out of school hours appointments are offered to high school students.
Appointments are Monday to Friday via Zoom meetings.
All appointments are to be made online by clicking Book Appointment below.